Our installation and repair services for access control in your commercial establishment
When Do l Need a Locksmith to Open a Safe?
A 2018 Gallup poll found that only one out of three Americans had confidence in the banking system. It’s no wonder the vault and safe industry is expected to exceed $6.1 billion by 2024. More Americans are storing money and valuable assets in their safes....
And you thought that you knew everything there was to know about Dallas locksmiths
When it comes to hiring a Dallas Fort Worth locksmith and their services, there are misunderstanding and misconceptions that keep many people from hiring professional locksmiths. The fact that there are a lot of myths, people disregard the fact that show that...
Which is the better choice? High security locks or cameras.
When it comes to keeping homes safe from intruders, the high security lock is currently en vogue. These smart locks offer the sort of protection that few could ever dream of and they are starting to serve as replacements for the security cameras that many homeowners...
What are the best ways to burglar-proof windows?
Burglar proofing the windows of a home is not always easy but there are a wide range of tactics that the average homeowner may not have taken the time to consider. Let's take a closer look at the best ways to burglar proof a home's windows so that there is no...
Tools that every Dallas Fort Worth locksmith should have
While there are some who allow themselves to believe that every locksmith in Dallas Forth Worth is carrying around the most basic tools, there are a wide range of tools that a top notch locksmith will always have at their disposal. That's why it is important to read...
Security camera installation tips
There are so many types of security cameras in the market right now and it is a little difficult to pick out a single type as the best because all of them have their pros and cons. Besides, suitability is also a factor here. The advantages of a certain type of...
What are the best locks for your home?
The current spate of burglary and other crimes in different parts of the world gives serious cause for concern. While you may not be able to do anything about it, you can upgrade the lock in your home. To choose the most suitable locks for your home, there are several...
Several best ways to remove a broken key from a lock
A broken key in a lock can be nerve-racking, and the first instinct most people have is to call the locksmith. Although hiring a locksmith will get the job done for you, it will cost you some huge bucks, particularly if the locksmith is dubious and he knows you are in...
6 top locks of all time
A lock might be the only thing that stands between you and burglars. The first instinct, once you hear someone outside, is to know if your door and windows are securely locked to prevent the person from coming in. With such mentality, it means that we have to make...
Top list of locks manufacturers
The world is dynamic, technology keeps improving, so also is the security system. Security deserves utmost attention because it makes it possible for people to be free from dangers, threats and other risks associated with inadequate security. Security systems have now...